Conservative blog writer urges Republicans to confirm Garland ASAP

With the changing political landscape and Donald Trump becoming the presumptive GOP nominee, this writer from the conservative blog RedState says that the choice now is to either confirm Merrick Garland, the current Supreme Court nominee, or watch as Hillary Clinton becomes elected and then nominates an even more liberal justice.

The writer of the blog post said Republicans should consider the fact that Garland still exists as an option “a gift,” and that Garland should be confirmed  “before it is too late.”

Donald Trump hesitant to consider nominating Ted Cruz to Supreme Court

Donald Trump was recently asked if he would consider nominating Ted Cruz to fill the vacancy in the Supreme Court, left by the passing of Justice Antonin Scalia. Trump commented that Ted Cruz is “certainly a smart guy,” but may not have the right temperament to be a successful nominee. Trump stated that in order to be a justice of any kind, one must be a very smart and rational person, and eluded that Cruz may not fill that description.

Donald Trump, photo courtesy of ABC News

This blog from The Hill explains that Donald Trump plans on announcing over a dozen justices to be chosen from to fill the current vacancy in the Supreme Court.